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Project Management

(Note: some information has been changed)

Creating a timeline

Each part of the whole project timeline is listen in detail. Each task , task group and milestone is given a priority and therefore given a weight, then, it is given an amount of time. 

It automatically excludes weekends and holidays. 

It will also filter based on the scope that the client requests and then recalculates are the weights and time given automatically.

In the event that a project manager needs to lengthen or shorten the period of time that needs to be allocated to a specific task, it is done by changing the weights and automatically redistributes the time.

Auto Exportable

All data is automatically regenerated and formated in a way for it to be uploaded to the Project Management software. Here, Zoho Projects was used.


The data is automatically shown in the form of a calendar to show the duration of the project. 

Examples of formulas used

=IFERROR(IFS(C37=ClientR,"",B37="Proposal Phase","",FIND("Client",F37)>1,"",B37=$AA$14,""),IF(OR(IFERROR(IF(INDEX($AB$22:$AB$30,MATCH(C37,$AA$22:$AA$30,0))=TRUE,MAX($W$2:$W36)+1,""),"")<>"",IF(E37="","",COUNTA($E$2:E37))<>"",IF(IFERROR(INDEX($AB$22:$AB$30,MATCH(RIGHT(F37,LEN(F37)-SEARCH("-",F37)),$AA$22:$AA$30,0)),"")=TRUE,MAX($W$2:W36)+1,"")<>"")=TRUE,MAX($W$2:W36)+1,""))




=INDEX('Drawing List'!$AB$14:$AB$19,MATCH(AA17,'Drawing List'!$AA$14:$AA$19,0))/SUM('Drawing List'!$AB$14:$AB$19)

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