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Contract Creation Process

(Note: information has been redacted and is only an example of what it looked like)

Operations - Launch.drawio.png

Process Diagram

The diagram on the left illustrates the enormous amount of steps for creating a contract. Each column also represents the tasks for each department.

Client & Unit information

After having verified all the financial data by the Operations team and the Operations & Administration team, the contract creation process can start,
All the information is added into an excel sheet with the client details, unit details, unit information and financial information.

Contract Creation Process_files1.jpg

Creating the contract

Contracts were written in a bi-lingual format (Arabic & English), the numbers and the ‘Number to Text’ had to be done with VBA, 
However, the text was translated manually to ensure correctness.
This information would then automatically reflect on a MS Word document.

The numbers are automatically verbalised in both languages using VBA in Excel.


The higlighted text and redacted text illustrates the automated text that is retrieved from the Excel workbook.

Contract Creation Process_files2.jpg
Contract Creation Process_files3.jpg


This method has reduced mistakes drastically and systemised all information available on the client, financials and unit information and therefore can easily be retraced.

This method was also used and favoured as there were no extra development costs for the company to create a huge system for contract creation with the complexity of a bi-lingual contract and the number-to-text option.

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